Windows Host System

Windows Host System



Getting started with the Windows Host System


Linux and MacOSX supports openSSH with X-Server forwarding natively. In case of Windows some special tools are required. In this section an introduction is given.

After the step “configure your windows ethernet adapter” the settings can be tested with ping command:


System Requiremqents:

In order to view a live stream, for example with synview running on the camera, procede accordingly:

  • Install PuTTY on your Windows machine
    PuTTY will execute the SSH-connection to iam.

  • Install Xming
    Xming executes the graphical interface on Windows.

  • Installing WinSCP is helpful on any host system.
    WinSCP is a program to transfer files from and to iam.

WinSCP - File transfer to camera

WinSCP is a program to transfer files from and to iamhttps://winscp.net/eng/docs/lang:de

The configuration of WinSCP should look alike:


iam asks for a password.

The password is root.

PuTTY and Xming - Open applications with graphical user interfaces:


To apply X-Server forwarding start the Xming server first. A link should be in the Windows start menu.

After launching, the Xming Symbol should be visible in the task bar.

When starting Xming for the first time, the Windows firewall may ask you to create an exception for Xming.

Configuration of PuTTY:

  • Insert the iam IP address in "Session→Host name"


  • Configure "Connection->SSH→X11" as follows:


When connecting to iam the first time, the following warning may show up. To procede, confirm with "yes".


After opening that connection, login as

User: root

Password: root

WinSCP, PuTTY and Xming - Put everyting together

It is possible to start PuTTY with the same settings from WinSCP

For achiving X-Server forwarding as well it is necessary to edit the “WinSCP temporary session” settings in PuTTY once:

Do not forget to save afterwards!

Start SynView:

Type into the console:


It is a common source of errors to operate a monochrome sensor in the color space. For monochrome sensors change the Pixel Format to Mono 8 .

Please be aware of the low frame refresh rate with this type of connection.

A better refresh rate will be achieved with the "GigE Vision server of SynView" in the future.

For more information see section SynView above.


Start HALCON viewer from then test_halcon_samples:

HALCON can be pre-installed to the camera. See HALCON for more information.

Type into the console:


"Image Format Control → Pixel Format" to Mono8  is set inside "test_halcon_live_view"

For more information see section HALCON .


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