Frame Chunk Data
(available in Software Version 4.10 and newer)
The iam supports Frame Chunk Data.
Beside every image 48 Byte chunk data will be delivered (see table below).
Frame Chunk Data
DW | Bits | Description | Details |
0 | 31:0 | FrameID (31:0) |
1 | 31:0 | FrameID (63:32) |
2 | 31:0 | TimeStamp (31:0) | TimeStamp triggered if first pixel arrived DMA |
3 | 31:0 | TimeStamp (63:32) | TimeStamp triggered if first pixel arrived DMA |
4 | 31:0 | TimeStampTrigger (31:0) | TimeStamp triggered by sensor trigger |
5 | 31:0 | TimeStampTrigger (63:32) | TimeStamp triggered by sensor trigger |
6 |
| IO-Info |
31:7 | RFU | Reserved for Future Use | |
6:0 | IO-Lines | Line Optio (Strobe, GPO1, GPO0, GPIO0, GPI1, GPI0, Trigger) | |
7 |
| QDec Info 1 |
31:24 | RFU | Reserved for Future Use | |
23:0 | qdec_poscnt | Quadrature Decoder Position Counter | |
8 |
| QDec Info 2 |
31:8 | RFU | Reserved for Future Use | |
7:0 | qdec_rotcnt | Quadrature Decoder Revolution Counter | |
9 | 31:0 | RFU | Reserved for Future Use |
10 | 31:16 | RFU | Reserved for Future Use |
15:0 | VFrameMissingLinies | Missing Lines at the end of the frame in the case of Virtual Frame Output | |
11 |
| DMA Info |
31:12 | RFU | Reserved for Future Use | |
11:9 | dmaIdx | DMA Index. Display the dma index from whitch the image comes (multistream). | |
8 | badFrame | Bad Frame (incomplete Buffer). Bad frames will be skipped in axis2ddr-lib! | |
7:0 | rdBufDly | Read Buffer Delay. Shows the delay in frames of the output (read) buffer. e.g. 0x00 => Buffer is the most recent in the dma buffer pipe 0x03 => 3 newer buffer in the dma buffer pipe. Buffer is the 4th. buffer in the pipe. |
Via XML-Feature SvChunkDataIoTrigger (in the Chunk Data Control Category) the customer can select the trigger for Chunk Data update between Frame Start (frame arrives camera) and Sensor Trigger.
The frame ID can be reseted by the feature SvChunkFrameIdReset.
Access to Chunk Data
The DMA delivers beside the frame-pointer a pointer to a frame-info struct (frm_t* pFrmInfo
) that contains Chunk Data. For more information about the frm_t
struct please see DMA Header-File:
DMA Header-File:
For a easier access to the Chunk Data entries a Chunk Data struct (chunk_data_t
) is provided (see Chunk Data Header-File).
Chunk Data Header-File:
The application sw_frm_buf_config_synview shows an example access to the Chunk Data (see function void AppClass::ProcessFrame(...)
in apps.cpp).
Example Application:
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