With the release of Matrox Imaging Library (MIL) X, matrox now offers support for Arm processor architecture.
For more information about the MIL software, we refer to their website:
(tested with mil-full-10.42_281_arm64.tar.gz)
To install the MIL software on an iam, following steps are necessary:
Copy mil-full-10.42_281_arm64.tar.gz to /home/root
use a ssh connection
scp mil-full-10.42_281_arm64.tar.gz root@
Untar the file with following commands:
ssh root@ tar -xvf mil-full-10.42_281_arm64.tar.gz -C /opt/ && source /opt/matrox_imaging/
The MIL software will be installed to /opt/matrox_imaging . A reboot would be necessary for having the MIL software added to your PATH.
For the license, you can start milconfig, go to Licensing->Activate and enter the license key there. milconfig is in /opt/matrox_imaging/tools which should have been added to your PATH.
iAMGigEServer has to be stopped, if you are using MIL examples.
There are multiple examples which, are all under /opt/matrox_imaging/mil/examples.
Most of this examples need a graphical interface.
Therefore start this examples with X-Server support.
ssh -X root@
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