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How to build your own smart application



SynView Explorer Project Generation Wizard



SynView Explorer on iam camera


Detailed Discription can be found from the links below.

  1. Start an OpenSSH with X-Server forwarding.

  2. Stopp Stop iAMGigEServer if it is still running on the camera.

  3. Start SynView Explorer with the command sv.explorer or from a host terminal with the full command below.
    ssh -Y root@ "(export XILINX_XRT=/usr/ ; /opt/synview/bin/sv.explorer)"


The generated source code project from the steps above can be found below. In this sectio section it is shown how to add addional additional camera features to your source code project using Synview SynView Explorer code snippet.


Starting from scratch repeat the following steps:

  1. Start an OpenSSH with X-Server forwarding.

  2. Stopp Stop iAMGigEServer if it is still running on the camera.

  3. Start SynView Explorer with the command sv.explorer or from a host terminal with the full command below.
    ssh -Y root@ "(export XILINX_XRT=/usr/ ; /opt/synview/bin/sv.explorer)"



Snippet for WhiteBalanceAuto (CustomControl cathegory)

  1. From the Feature tree expand your desired cathegory and select a feature, eg. WhiteBalanceAuto .

  2. Now the code snippet can be found in the Info toolbox at bottom left of SynView Explorer.

  3. Just copy and paste to the source code of your project.
