

The latest version of SynView Explorer is required for iam. For this, update the host system. The download link is at the end of section Download latest SynView Prerelease .

Code Block
ssh -Y root@ "(export XILINX_XRT=/usr/ ; /opt/synview/bin/sv.explorer)"

Connect the camera to test. Select it in the list of found cameras and press the “Connect camera” button.

Configure the camera features. Pay attention especially to features in Image Format Control and Acquisition Control categories.

When prepared, click the “Start acquisition” button. The camera should start acquiring. If not, verify again, if the camera was not set to triggered mode, while no trigger was attached.

While the acquisition is active, the runtime parameters can be adjusted, such as exposure time or gain. Basic acquisition parameters, such as pixel format or trigger mode get locked when the acquisition starts.

When finished, click the “Stop acquisition” button and exit.
